Management 3.0, unFIX and product communication

Author: Jens Thiemann

published on: 20.11.2023

Customer-centred product communication thanks to the right employees

Customer-centred product communication means not only promoting products, but also understanding what customers really want and then offering them exactly that. 
This requires not only a deep understanding of customers' needs, wishes and preferences, but also the ability as a company to make the necessary decisions and adjustments quickly.

Agile methods allow companies to react quickly to customer feedback and changing customer needs and change their products and marketing accordingly. Tesla, for example, regularly reorganises its production, sometimes several times a day. This may be an extreme example, but it gives an indication of how quickly you can (and must?) react in today's business world.
This flexibility is often summarised by the buzzword "business agility". But what exactly does this mean and how do I get my "business agile"?
This is where Management 3.0 and unFIX come into play. Both were originally developed by Jurgen Appelo, a Dutch thought leader and sought-after keynote speaker for many years. What is special about both approaches is their practical relevance and the possibility of gradual introduction. This increases acceptance among employees and at the same time avoids huge change measures in the company.

Management 3.0: Empowering the teams

Management 3.0 is a proven approach to modern management based on principles such as trust, collaboration and continuous improvement. It emphasises the importance of leadership to meet the challenges of a complex and constantly changing business world. 
The focus here is on strengthening the ability to cooperate and clearly describing decision-making competences. In other words, laying the foundations for employees and teams to be able to react quickly and flexibly to customer requirements and market changes.

unFIX: Adaptability as an organisation

With unFIX, the principle is transferred from the manager team level to the organisation. It therefore improves a company's ability to react quickly and efficiently to changing market conditions. It helps to break down existing departmental thinking and align the entire work organisation to deliver the best possible customer experience. 
Silo thinking, knowledge hoarding and trench warfare between departments are counterproductive. Management 3.0 and unFIX convey a way of thinking that counteracts this. Based on proven scientific insights from systems and complexity theory, behavioural patterns are reflected upon and easy-to-apply practices are taught that help managers' and employees' attitudes to evolve. Topics in this context include communication behaviour, the correct delegation of tasks, trust in dealing with each other and the role of a team in the organisation.
Ultimately, the result is improved, closer co-operation within the company. Marketing and sales teams in particular can work more effectively and communicate much better with customers.

Capable teams and adaptability: successful product communication

The combination of Management 3.0 and unFIX offers companies methods and principles to optimise their product communication and make it truly customer-centric. The importance of the individual teams and employees is recognised and strengthened. Alongside the introduction of the right software tools and processes, these are a decisive cornerstone for successful product communication.
By applying continuous improvement thinking and practices, organisations can ensure that they are competitive, innovative and successful in a world where customer preferences are constantly changing.


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